Neila Mabri

I have always been interested in working in a professional environment that has a tangible social impact in the community. I believe empowering local communities, especially women and girls, is a key factor to promote sustainable peace and development. I also believe in the importance to do the best we can to help each other as individuals, in a world where individualism seems to increase on a daily basis. It’s therefore important to me to participate in humanitarian projects that will empower disadvantaged groups and provide the best service to the communities, while respecting their culture and unicity.

Autumn Hounon

GMLB Foundation charity work for orphans is a profound and meaningful endeavor that touches the lives of vulnerable children in immeasurable ways. It’s a powerful demonstration of compassion, love, and humanity. My motivation for working with GMLB Fondation is Nurturing hope by bringing hope to the hearts of children who might otherwise feel lost and abandoned. Your support helps create a brighter future for these little souls. Our efforts will help in Empowering Futures children and specially orphans by breaking the cycle of poverty, providing them with the tools to build better lives and contribute positively to society. GMLB Foundation believes in Building Communities: By supporting orphanages and charities, you contribute to the development of strong communities where children are cherished, protected, and guided.
We are all about Sharing Love and Compassion: Your selfless acts of kindness offer orphans a glimpse of the love and compassion they may have never experienced. Your care and dedication heal wounds and restore faith in humanity. GMLB Foundation strives in Making a Lasting Impact: The impact of GMLB work extends far beyond the present moment. It shapes the lives of orphans, empowering them to dream big and pursue their aspirations. GMLB Foundation aims in Inspiring Others: Your commitment to helping orphans inspires others to follow suit, creating a ripple effect of generosity and care. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of these children.
We at GMLB are Creating Safe Havens to provide safe havens where orphans find shelter, nourishment, and a sense of belonging. Your support helps create these sanctuaries of hope.
Remember, every small act of kindness has the potential to transform the life of a child in need. May our dedication to charity work for orphans continue to bring love, joy, and hope into their lives.

Ousmane Bako

GMLB Foundation work in education offers numerous possibilities , including nurturing hope by providing a brighter future for children, empowering futures by breaking the cycle of poverty through education, and building communities by supporting the development of strong environments. It also provides an opportunity to share love and compassion, making a lasting impact on children’s lives, inspiring others to follow suit, and creating an education pathway out of poverty and for learning and growth. Every act of kindness can transform the life of a child in need.

Ramatou Ousmane Toudou

The GMLB Foundation’s charitable efforts are dedicated to offering clean, safe drinking water to communities in need. Their main areas of impact include:

  • Building Water Wells: Collaborating with local groups and communities to build water wells in areas lacking access to clean water.
  • Water Treatment and Purification: Supporting projects that treat and purify water, ensuring communities have clean water for essential purposes.
  • Hygiene and Sanitation Programs: Promoting hygiene practices and distributing hygiene kits to prevent waterborne diseases and improve overall health.
  • Community Empowerment: Empowering local communities to manage their water resources through training and establishing water committees for project sustainability.
  • Emergency Response: Providing access to clean water and hygiene kits during emergencies like natural disasters to safeguard public health and safety.