Our History

MARIE-LOUISE SIMBIATOU RADJI EMMANUEL MUSSILIOU: Born on October 28 … in Dakar, Senegal, Marie Louise came to Niger with her father, Dr. RADJI EMMANUEL MUSILIOU, a colonial doctor. After his BEPC got to …… she went to Germany to become a Midwife. On her return, she took her first steps as a Midwife in the Zinder region. She then worked at SOMAIR in Arlit until her retirement. She was remembered to God on April 20, 2018 surrounded by her children and grandchildren. During her earthly life she was an example of generosity, charity, self-giving and availability for her family, her community in Zinder, Arlit and Niamey.

GERMAIN HOUNON: Born on April 14 …, in Ouidah, Benin, HOUNON Germain came to Niger as a clerk of the CFAO. He served at Zinder from the 1950s to 1980s at SCOA ZINDER. He decided to set up his own business in Zinder. He married MARIE LOUISE RADJI in 1971. He was recalled to God on 28 July 1990 in Cotonou, Benin. Throughout his life, HOUNON Germain was an open, charismatic,generous, charitable person. He often visits the sick, prisoners, widows and orphans of the city of

BEATRICE RADJI (add muslim first name) EMMANUEL MUSSILIOU: Born on January 18 in Azarori, she joined sister Marie Louise in Zinder from an early age. She followed in her footsteps as a health worker and studied nursing at ENICAS in Zinder. God reminded her the ….. 2015 at the age of
….Hadjia Beatrice Gaichatou was a woman of heart ready to help any woman, anyone coming knocking on her door day and night.

The children take up the torch:

Marie Louise Radji and Germain Hounon were blessed by 13 children; Beatrice Radji, Marie Louise Radji’s sister, has an only daughter Aminatou; after the death of our parents the children decided to take up the torch so that the flame of solidarity; Compassion love of neighbour and self-giving to others does not die out for good after the death of our parents mentioned above. Their love for neighbour and humanity has been passed on to the children who through the GMLB Foundation plans to do as much or better than our parents in the caritive activities that have always been at the centre of their earthly life.

Our Vision

Our parents especially Marie Louise Radji used to say that she would not want to have money just to satisfy her selfish needs. His philosophy was God giving us wealth in order to help all people in need and that there is no point in having financial means without being able to share it with others. All her life our mother had a vision of a just, equitable, supportive, humane and spiritually connected world to God regardless of the religion we believe in.

She wanted to contribute to a world where girls, women, orphans and orphans, widows are healthy, well-educated and able to participate fully in the development of their country.

The vision of THE GMLB Foundation is to contribute to building a society where children receive a quality education and live in a healthy environment with equitable access to clean water and health care.