Funding Sources

The resources of the GMLB Foundation are mainly made up of donations made by the children of Marie Louise Radji , Germain Hounon and Beatrice Radji allocated as operating budget, by membership contributions and donations from private and/or moral persons, and funding granted for the realization of its projects.

Project Funding

Through financial support for projects seeking to address the social issues of Nigerien society, the GMLB Foundation wishes to contribute to social change for more justice.

Running Projects

Budget: $15,000

Donation to build a School in Zinder

We Work Together for Vulnerable Women & Children in Niger to succeed in this challenge, she bases her projects around underprivileged women and children, by the expansion of maternal and pediatric health services; Improved drinking water supplies and overall improvements in hygiene and sanitation; Building the capacity of women and girls in illiteracy and poverty; Improving the quality of education Support for the most vulnerable people and families, women and children in precarious situations. Provide technical and financial assistance to the creation of intelligent villages to help rural populations. Several other social actions are also being undertaken. The activities of the GMLB Foundation include advocacy, fundraising and awareness campaigns, as well as project funding.

Budget: $10,000

Participate into building an elementary School in Niger Republic

GMLB Foundation emphasizes the critical importance of constructing schools in villages. It underscores that access to education is a fundamental human right and is instrumental in individual and community development. Building schools in villages serves multiple purposes:
Education for All: Schools in villages offer educational opportunities to children regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds, promoting equality and social mobility.
Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Education empowers individuals to rise above poverty by equipping them with knowledge and skills for success, leading to better employment prospects and increased income.
Community Development: Schools serve as hubs for community activities, fostering a sense of unity and cohesion and strengthening the social fabric.
Health and Well-being: Education positively impacts health by encouraging informed decision-making, better hygiene practices, and promoting healthy behaviors.
Gender Equality: Schools promote gender equality by offering equal opportunities for boys and girls, reducing harmful practices, and empowering girls to contribute to community development.
Sustainable Development: Education enables individuals to make informed decisions about environmental conservation and resource management, contributing to a sustainable future.
In conclusion, by making a donation to help build a school in villages; your contribution is vital for providing access to education, breaking the cycle of poverty, promoting community development, improving health and well-being, advancing gender equality, and fostering sustainable development. By prioritizing education, we invest in the future of individuals, communities, and the world at large.

Budget: $5,000

Sponsor to build a water well

We Work Together for Vulnerable Women & Children in Niger to succeed in this challenge, she bases her projects around underprivileged women and children, by the expansion of maternal and pediatric health services; Improved drinking water supplies and overall improvements in hygiene and sanitation; Building the capacity of women and girls in illiteracy and poverty; Improving the quality of education Support for the most vulnerable people and families, women and children in precarious situations. Provide technical and financial assistance to the creation of intelligent villages to help rural populations. Several other social actions are also being undertaken. The activities of the GMLB Foundation include advocacy, fundraising and awareness campaigns, as well as project funding.