GMLB Charity

The Marie-Louise Germain-Béatrice Foundation (MLG-B Foundation) is an apolitical, secular, non-profit association. Based in Niamey, Niger, it is governed by Ordinance No. 84-06 of March 1, 1984 under the regime of associations, amended by Ordinance No. 84-50 of December 5, 1984 and Law No. 91-006 of May 20, 1991 on associations. It held its Constituent General Assembly on 20 April 2020 in Niamey.

It has three (3) Organs:


We Work Together for Vulnerable Women & Children in Niger

To succeed in this challenge, she bases her projects around underprivileged women and children, by:

Our Values & Principles


Support women and children today to build the nation of tomorrow and generate developmentthrough their full participation and mutual aid.

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Putting honesty, credibility, and cohesion in our actions for the well-being of mothers and childrenfrom very different families.

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Strengthen and support family values that enable a better future and prosperity for generations tocome.

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Believe in the dynamics of the alliance of forces to change the future and achieve the developmentof Niger.

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Respect for Differences

Act without discrimination, while considering differences.

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Act with respect, esteem, modesty, and dedication to accomplish great works.

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